Extended Framework

A typical scenario for placing index commands under the extended framework is as follows. There are two query-insert modes: one based on a single key-pattern pair and the other on multiple key-pattern pairs. In the former mode, the user specifies a pattern and a key, and for every instance of the pattern found, decides whether to insert the index command with the specified key, or a variant of it (i.e., a combination of level, actual, and encap). In the latter mode, there is a collection of entries that may be represented as a long list for an entire document, or as a short list for a section. Each key-pattern pair in the list is processed as in the former case. Provisions are also available to help construct the list.

With such powerful mechanisms available, there is a tendency to ``over index'' because it is so easy to be comprehensive. In some cases, ``less may be more''. Therefore, one should be extremely careful in confirming the insertion of key to avoid false drops picked up by the search mechanism.